Corruption means, adopting of wrong and unlawful practices to gain
something. It causes a great dislocation and agonies in human life.
Corruption has become a way oflife in India. It has entrenched itselfdeeply
in the social, political, economic and religious life ofthe nation. To be true, right
from the Prime Minister down to the ordinary clerk in the office, no one is free
from the suspicion of being a corrupt person.
Criminalisation of social and political life has only sanctified corruption in
every walk of life. Rajiv Gandhi's government was badly defamed because of
Bofors" deal. Narasinmha Rao had been implicated in a number of cases by the
CBI. It seems corruption has percolated from the top to the bottom. In ndia a
parellel economy of'black money' operates are controlled and regulated by the
dones of the underworld.
Simple living and high thinking used to be the ideals of our leaders during
the struggle for independence. But now the priorities have changed. These days
Scams and scandals dominate their political and social lives. Mammon (Kubera),
the god of wealth has corrupted their minds and morals. Top posts and jobs can
be bought. The members ofthe state legislatures and the Parliament are vulnerble
to corrupt practices and bribery. Even the security of the nation has been
compromised by the self-servingpoliticians and their agents and power-brokers.
The need of the hour is an inspiring leadership equipped with a firm political
will to fight and root out the growing cancer of corruption.
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