An earthquake is a shaking of the earth. Our scientists say that certains

changes take place in the earth's crust. They cause the earth shoke. It occuresin

Japan. Where there are lot of volcanoes. Scientists cannot forecast about it. If

they could do so, much of the loss and misery would be avaided.

During earthquake there rise changes in the earth's surface such as many

places sink but many others are raised, roads are twisted, hollow pits appear in

the earth, big crocks are made in the earth from which mud and water well up

many rivers changes their purse. The bed of many rivers and seas are raised.

Deserts sink down and turn into lakes.

Italso brings a lot of sufferings to man. Weak houeses fall down and many

cities are reduced to a heaf of bricks and stones. Many men and animals are

kitted. Many are buried under the debris. People become homeless. All their

food and other valuable things are destroyed. So the earthquake causes a heavy

loss of human life and property. It is a natural calamity.

Man boasts ofhis wisdomand his controlovernature. But such happeninges

prove that man with all his boast is still small and helpless before the forces of


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