This world is a world of science and technology. A man meets his
requirements if he values education. Education is the Mother of Knowledge.
Everyman in the world has an aim in his life. The aim can be achieved ofthe
values education properly.A country can progress with the mental growth of its
people Mental and physical fitness depend on the value ofeducation. Ifa man
fails to value education, he fails of over all and he can do nothing in future.
In this present era ofcomputer education we find that foreign countries are
in better position. They value the required education.
In our country we have many engineers produced by IITs. They are competent
enough to make any change as per the requirement, They are up-to-date in the
field ofscience and technology. They are honoured even in foreign countries as
they valued education. All the research, inventions of long range weapons.
aeroplanes and fighter planes are the products of education.
Aprogressing man is a life-long learner of education. All the developments
are the outcome of education. Progressed countries like America, England
Russia etc. are the creationofeducation. Ifwe value education we can understand
the problems to come in future. If we successfully understand aproblem we can
solve it as per our requirement.
Thus, we all are expected to value education. It is the demand of the time.
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