The old saying Power corrupts; infinite power corrupts infinitely is the
eternally true corollary to the Hitlerite sloga "Might is Right". It is a valid truth
in practically every sphere of human life. Might, or the possession of total
power by either an individual ora group seems to bring out the most universally
condemned failing ofmankind; pride, arrogance, contempt of the weak, and the
presumption of infallibility. It is often mingled with fear.
The dangers of the 'Might is Right' doctrine are very apparent in the field of
politics. If a president becomes dictator, we soon discover that de nocratic
processes wither and die, and that ultimately, even the rule of law is cuallenged.
The head of a police state, however, lives in fear; hence, the imprisonment ot
OPponents, the armed escorts, the arbitrary changes of law, the oppression of
capriciously, other countries being alienated. Totalitarian states carry within
themselves the seeds of their own destruction; Julius Caesar, Genghis Khan and
Adolf Hitler all bear witness to the fact. Eventually people rebel. 1he tyrant or
the caucus falls to the assasin, 'Mightmay be right' for a time, butrarely for every
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