Economically the world may have become a global village but politically

world is still dotted with nation states demarcated by distinct as well as vagilant

boundaries, giving rise to occasional skirmishes and subtle but sinister move to

after the balance of power. If the paradigms of national security are determined

by well-defined or natural dividers like rivers, mountains or seas, even the need

to be ever vigilant all the time should remain both paramount and predominant

in the national interest-cum-securitya smoke in the grass scan prove as fata

the enemy sitting across the border withhis lethal gun aimedat the target. In bou

situations complacency can lead to very unsafe consequences.

After the 1962 debacle, the then President of Indian Republie Dr. s

Radhakrishnan warmed the nation against being caught napping again. His candid

counsel and words ofwisdom stood by us in good stead and we were able to face

the 1965 aggression with dogged determination, resulting in decisive defeat of

the enemy. Now after the betrayal write large in the blood of our valiant soldiers

and officers on the most inhospitable and tortuous heights of Kargil, President

KR.Narayanan minced no words in asking the people to be united in the face of

more Kargil's and mooted a hike in the defence budget to equip the armed forces

with the latest weapons and force multipliers. Having neighbours not very

friendly disposed we cannot to lower our guard'.

The concept and concretisation of National Security depends upon the

stamina and strength of the armed forces, economic resilience and political

stability. Our history, unfortunately, is replete with instances when our own

distrust, diffidence and disunity played havoc with our national pride. Ifthere is

any one lesson that Indian history has to teach us, it is :

"United we stand and divided we fall."

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