Precis of passage

 Precis of passage

Precis of passage

Precis writing is a very fine, significant and useful piece of composition

not only from the point of the University examination or other examinations in

the familiar sense, it is so even in te practical busy work-day life as a time-

saving device and an impressive art work.

The precis writer has to attempt precis-writing and continue its practice

with the following points in mind :

(I) Precis should be given approximately in one-third of the given passage

of fixed number of words as per the question. However, this is not a concern of

primary importance.

(ii) The point of greatest importance is how to shorten the given passage

in compact language. We have to scissor off the superficial words or phrases,

delete the examples and quotations and avoid the repetitions or elaboration of

the facts or the subject matter.

(iii) The central subject should be reproduced systematically and logically.

Besides, the answer has to be furnished only in one paragraph.

(iv) Precis has to be made invariably and as far as practicable in third


(v) The passage given should not be reproduced. Like every answer, may

be even more than that, this answer has to be given one's own words.

(vi) The title of precis should bear on leading idea contained in the passage.

Moreover, it should short and suitable representation of the said idea.

(vii) Precis should be simple and straight.

(viii) Generally some reflective passages are given for precis-writing.

Sometimes some descriptive or narrative passage is also set. However, every

passage, whichever it may be, is descriptive of some important topic.

Example - 1

In India we are most particularly concerned about the primary necessities

of life of our people. We are concerned with clothing, shelter and housing for

our people with education, health and so on. Unless you have these primary

necessities, it seems futile to talk about the life of the mind or the life of the

spirit. You cannot talk of God to a starving man, you must give him food. One

must deal with primary necessities, it is true. Nevertheless, even dealing with

them one has to leave some kind of ideal or objective in view. If that ideal or

objective in view somehow becomes less and less connected with growth of

the human mind, then there must be something wrong.


Precis : The primary necessities of India are concerned with clothing,

shelter and housing for our people with education health and so on without

these life seems to be feetile to talk about life of the mind spirit primary

necessities is some kind of ideal or objective in view. There must be something

wrong when it become less connected with growth of the human mind.

[5:58 pm, 12/10/2020] Xtylishsaurav1: I do not, I repeat, enjoy seeing animals, forced to perform unnatural

Example - 2

movements which they cannot possibly enjoy. I am prepared to believe that

animals are treated by their trainers with real bindness and affection. But that

is not the point. The Nazis enjoyed forcing their human victims to crawl about

naked and on all fours. Ought we really to enjoy seeing animals dressed in

crinolines and straining with trembling limbs to maintain an erect position ?

The thoughtless laughter, even of adults, which greets and encourages these

performances fill one with sadness.


Precis :I enjoy seeing animal which are treated by trains with real bindness

& affection. But Nazis human victims to crawl about naked & on all fours.

Ought we seeing animals dressed in cirnolines with trembling limbs to an erect

position ? The thoughtless laughter, which greets these performances fill on

with sadness


In every country people imagine that they are the best and the cleverest

and the others are not as good as they are. The Englishmen thinks that he and

his country are the best; the Frenchman is very proud of France and everything

French; the Germans and Italians think no end of their countries and many

Indians imagine that India is in many ways the greatest country in the world.

This is all conceit. Everybody wants to think well of himself and his country.

But really there is no person who has not got some good in him and some bad.

And in the same way there is no country which is not partly good and partly

bad. We must take the good wherever we find it and try to remove the bad

wherever it may be. We are, of course, most concerned with our own country,

India. Unhappily, it is in a bad way today and most of own people are very

poor and miserable. They have no pleasure in their lives. We have to find out

how we can make them happier. We have to see what is stood in our ways and

customs and try to keep it, and whatever is bad we have to throw away. If we

find anything good in other countries we should certainly take it.


Precis : Citizens of different countries suffer from conceit. They suffer

from superiority complex. They overrate themselves and their countries, but

underrate other. Really, however, no country is fully good or bad. Besides, we

should be receptive to the good and indifferent to the bad. We should surely

take even the good found in others.


Occasions cannot make spurs for young men. If you expect to wear spurs

you must win them. If you wish to use them you must buckle them to your

heels before you go into the fight. Any success you may achieve is not worth

having unless you fight for it. Whatever you win in life you must conquer by

your own efforts, and then it is yours a part of yourself. Let not poverty stand

as an obstacle in your way. Poverty is uncomfortable, as I can testify, but nine

times out of ten the best thing that can happen to a young man is to be tossed

overboard, and compelled to sink or swin for himself. In all my acquaitances !

[5:59 pm, 12/10/2020] Xtylishsaurav1: have never known one to be drowned who was worth saving.... To a young man

should be permanently commanded. You must not continue to be employed,

you must be employer. You must be promoted from the ranks to a command,


A-One Guess Paper, 2021

who has in himself the magnificent possibilities of life it is not fitting that he

go and find it, and command it. You can at least command a horse and there

can be generalization of them, and may carve out a fortune with them.


Precis : Opportunities themselves cannot honour the young men. For

honour they have to make efforts and fight. Even success without fight is not

deserved and attainable. Really, poverty cannot stand in the way of success

The established fact is that most of the people are themselves responsible for

their rise or fall. Moreover, the young persons should never be parasites or

dependent. They can even grow rich only when they command and function as



Education is not an end but a means to an end. We do not educate children

only for the purpose of educating them; the purpose is to prepare them for life

As soon as we realise this we will understand that it is very important to choose

a system of education which will really prepare children for life.

In many modern countries it has for sometime been fashionable to think

that by free education for all-whether rich or poor, clever or stupid one can

solve all the problems of society and build a perfect nation. But we can already

see that free education for all it not enough. We find in such countries a larger

number of people with university degrees than there are jobs for them to fill,

Because of their degrees, they refuse to do what they think 'low' work. In fact,

work with the hands is thought to be dirty and shameful in such countries.

When we say that all of us must be educated, what we mean is that all of

us must be educated in such a way, that each of us can do whatever job is

suited to his brain and ability. And, secondly that we can realize that all jobs

are necessary to society and that it is very bad to be ashamed of one's work or

to scorn someone else's. Only such a type of education can be called valuable

to society.


Precis : Education is a means and its object is to prepare the students for

living the life. It is wrong to think that free education can solve all the chronic

problems of our society. It has rather created more unemployment as the students

getting this education dislike manual work which they take for a low work.

This is a very wrong attitude. We should rather be ready to do any work suited

to our brain and ability.

Example - 6

What is really needed in the world, perhaps more than ever before, is not

some new world shattering discovery in nuclear physics, or some breath-taking

discovery in chemistry or medicine. The advance for which the world is waiting

beyond any doubt, is a small advance-a slight advance in charity, in

understanding forbearance, tolerance, justice and mercy. That is what the world

is waiting for and waiting rather anxiously.

[6:00 pm, 12/10/2020] Xtylishsaurav1: But charity and tolerance and forbearance and understanding of one another

are non-meterial matters. And in non-material things-in the simplest social

things-science has been helpless. It cannot help us to distinguish good from


May be, this will not always be so. Who knows? It is quite possible that

some day science will effect an improvement in human brain itself. Not a

structural improvement, for in structure the human brain is the greatest miracle

of all. Its understanding will come last. But there might well be a functional

improvement. This is far from fantastic. Already instances are known, like

amphcetamaine, which appear temporarily to increase the power of reasoning,

other chemicals are known which give intellectual stimulation. I should say

there is hope that man will one day improve on natural man, raise his intellectual

status and give him greater power of reasoning and understanding to abolish

war. Whether that will be so, whether he will have a better understanding of his

fellowmen remains to be seen.

There are troubulous times ahead. But those who fear the future are the

craven in spirit; for life is becoming more interesting and exciting.


Precis The need of the hour is not any startling scientific discovery but

ideal human qualities which the world is eagerly waiting for. These qualities

are not material and so science has no grip over them. In the distant future,

science may have functional development in human life. The man may improve

on the natural man, raise his intellectual level. But he may not have the better

understanding of his fellowmen. However, as the future is troublesome and

life exciting, man has to be fearless.

Example - 7

It is no doubt true that we cannot go through life without sorrow. There

can be no sunshine without a shade. We must not complain that roses have

thorns, but rather be grateful that thorns bear flowers. Our existence here is so

complex that we must expect much sorrow and suffering. Many people worry

and torment themselves about the mystery of existence. But although a good

man may, at times, be angry with the world it is certain that no man who was

ever discontented with the world did his duty in it. The world is like a looking

glass; if you smile, it smiles. If you frown, it frowns back. If you look at it

through a red glass all seems red and rosy; if through a blue. If you look at it

through a red glass all seems red and rosy: if through a blue, all blue; if through

a smoked one, all dull and dingy. Always try, then, to look at the bright side of

things; almost everything in the world has a bright side. There are some persons,

whose smile, the sound of whose voice, whose very presence is like a ray of

sunshine, and brightens the whole room. Greet everybody with a bright smile,

kind words and pleasant welcome. It is not enough to love those who are near

and dear to us. We must be so that we do so. While, however, you should be

grateful and enjoy to the full the innumerable blessings of life. We cannot

expect to have no sorrows or anxieties. Life has been described as a comedy to

those who think and a tragedy to those who feel. It is indeed tragedy at times

and a comedy very often, but as a rule it is what we choose to make it.

[6:03 pm, 12/10/2020] Xtylishsaurav1: Precis : We cannot escape from sufferings and sorrows in life. Our

world looks as the man looks at it. It is good and comfortable to those who

Title : BRIGHT

existence is really complex. There are both comedy and tragedy in life. But the

look at its bright side while to pessimists it is sad and sullen. The judicious

approach of life is only to welcome it as it is without questioning it. We have

only to enjoy the essential real life

Example - 8

In a civilised life there is a rule against violence. Against taking the law

into our own hands: it is a rule which most of us observe - so many, Indeed.

that a great number of people go through life accepting orderlines and non

violence as part of the scheme of Nature. But when some individual comes

into their midst who refuse to observe the current rules and follows the simple

role that might is right, the law abiding citizens of society do not know what do

to and look on in helpless bewildered confusion.

The last two wars did something to alter men's attitude towards the rules

of life, but much less than might have been expected. Men went into the fighting

line, not, because as our generals love to say, "Man is a fighting animal", but

because there were law abiding citizens obediently doing what the state told

them to do. It was the duty of the soldier to commit violence and murder upon

his country's enemies but he did these things under the order and the doing of

them bardly impaired his normal law-abidingness. Considering the fact that

for many years half the grown up men in Europe were engaged in trying to

murder one another one can only be astonished that the postwar increase in

crimes of violence has not been vastly greater. That is proof of how deeply the

habit of playing according to the rules has become ingrained in us.


Precis : Sometimes 'might is right' theory prevails. For a long time the

adults in Europe remained, engaged in violence. The two World Wars negative

the conception of law abidingness of people. But really the rule of law prevails

in a civilized society. Even in the period following two World Wars the people

resumed the course of order and safety.

Example - 9

What is a democratic government to do in a country where people are

steeped in ignorance and superstition, where there is opposition or resistance

to even mild reforms from vested interests in society? It can be said that if the

government is to go by consent or consensus it will not be able to do anything.

Could the government ever get the consent or consensus of people for abolition

of untouchability ? But has untouchability been really abolised ? Frankly

speaking, even now the code of Manu is in operation, the large part of code.

preparedy by Dr. Ambedkar is not in actual operation.

No law, perhaps, can come into full operation unless it is acceptable to the

people. And it is not nesessary to say that acceptability cannot come without

conviction. The government has been taking measure after measure to change

the socio-economic structure or to remove disparities, social ad economie

Not that all the measures have gone in vain. Feudalism has been abolished

[6:06 pm, 12/10/2020] Xtylishsaurav1: gates of universities, legislatures, government services etc. have been thrown

open to all castes and communities, exploitation of the weaker sections of the

people has been considerably reduced.

But there has been no change in the outoock of the people. Politicians and

administrators still behave like feadul lords; corruption, favouritism and

nepotisnm have not shown any sign of abatement, faith in caste system and all

that it may stand for has not weakened. In one word, independence, democracy

etc. have not shattered the age-old beliefs and convictions. No wonder the

blind are leading the blind.


Precis: Acceptability of law is subject to conviction and conviction is not

pOssible as long as there are ignorance and superstition. In the modern

democracy, there is no conviction at all as the conditions for the same are not

met. Our society is still conservative. The government has made some pieces

ot legislation for the betterment of society, but society does not change tor tne

better. Still vested interests who are blind are leading the other unenligntene

peopie under democracy. Besides it can be said that nothing positive is possioe

if we want to do it with the consent or consensus of the present peopie

Example- 10

we have been asked whether we are happy to be living now or whether we

WIsh we had lived in the past, a few centuries ago. I am clear in my view and

must say emphatically that I am glad, very glad to be living in the modern age

There were pleasures in the past and there were adventures and many

other charms by which I am impressed, but there was also a great dea o

1gnorance and dullness and many other disadvantages on account of which

think life is happier today than it was in the past.

T am interested in education. Today all children receive free education

from the age of five or six until they are fifteen or sixteen. If they are clever,

they continue to receive education even while they are at the University. How

many children in the past learnt even to read and write? Very few, indeed. This

is a great advantage of the modern age.

T love travelling, for I find it a source of pleasure as well as education. It

brings new contact and experience which add to richness of life. Travelling is

much easier today than it was in the past and now we can even think of flying

to the moon. This was never possible in the past.

Then there are pleasures of music. Today thanks to the radio and the

television all of us can enjoy the best music in our homes. This pleasure was

not available in the past.


Precis: One is very glad to be living at present. No doubt there were

pleasant things in the past advantages and charms. One is impressed with

them. But in the past there were ignorance, dullness and many other

disadvantages too. On the other hand, today we have educational facilities. We

have universal and even free education today upto the age of sixteen right

from the age of five. One can cleverly enjoy free education even at the university

level. Besides, travelling facilities and the pleasures of music from radio and

[6:07 pm, 12/10/2020] Xtylishsaurav1: television sets are also available to us. Thus life is happier today and our mod.

age is better than the ancient times.



When we survey our lives and endeavours, we soon observe that almo

the whole of our actions and desires is bound up with the existence of ott

human things. We notice that our whole nature resembles to that of the soce

animal. We eat food that others have produced, we wear clothes that othes

have made, we live in houses that others have built. The greater part of

knowledge and belief has been communicated to us by other people throuoh

the medium of language which others have created. Without language our mental

capacities would be poor indeed, comparable to those of higher animals; we

have therefore, to admit that we owe our principal advantage over the beasts to

the fact of living in human society. The individual if left alone from birth,

would remain, primitive and beast like in his thoughts and feelings to a degree

that we can hardly conceive. The individual is what he is and it is living in

community which directs material and spiritual existence from the cradle to

the grave.

A man's value to his community depends primarily on how far his feelings

thoughts and actions are directed towards promoting the good of his fellow

beings. We call him good or bad according to his attitude in this respect.




Precis:Our life and actions are vitally linked with those of our fellow

creatures. Our food, clothes and houses are all prepared by others. We owe

language and beliefs to other people. They have been imparted to us through

language. Our intellectual facilities would not have grown in the absence of

language. We are superior to other animals in so far as we live in human society.

A man deprived of human society would behave like primitive animals. A

man's value is judged in relation to the great human community. The greater

his usefulness for his fellows, the better he is.


Nations, like individual, derive support and strength from the feeling that

they belong to an illustrious race, that they are the heirs of their greatness and

ought to be promoters of their glory. It is of momentous importance that a

nation should have a great past to look back upon. It inspires the life of the

present, elevates and upholds it and enlightens and lifts it up, by the memory

of the great deeds, the noble sufferings and the marvelous achievements of the

old. The life of nations, as of men, is a great treasure of experience, which

wisely used, leads to social progress and improvement; or misused, to dreams,

delusion and failures. Like men nations are purified and strengthened by trials.

Some of the most glorious chapters in their history are those containing the

record of suffering by means of which their character has been developed.

Love of liberty and patriotic feeling may have done much, but trial and suffering

nobly borne have done more than all.


Precis Nations get support and power from their sense of belongingness

to a celebrated race. They should be endowed with a rich past having the gloroUs

 history ot trials, sufferings and sacrifices of the men of old. They a

strengthened when they pass the ordeal or trials. Living for liberty, the fee

of patriousm and the bravely borne trials and sufferings have contributeu

the life of nations and history bears a testimony to this.

Example- 13

Science has affected our life in innumerable ways. It has revohas also

transport and communications and thus made the world smaller. It has ai

made the world a better place to live in. We have well lighted cities with BO

sanitation. Science has provided all kinds of substances and machines a

sources ot power. There is almost no end to the benefits that science

conterred on us. AIl the sanme, the work of science is no unmixed blessinB

has created new problems. Scientific industry is recklessly exploiting ae

materials on the earth. Science has rendered life in cities less heann

Overerowding in cities, the air pollution largely because of smoke, cheap o

deficient in vitamins-these are all dangerous to health. Again, people n o

cities are denied sunlight, fresh air and exercise. Science has to attena

these problems.

SClence has also to take up problem of social life itself. It has to wO

for freedom from war and various social and economic evils. Science can dca

With these human affairs. There would be fewer follies, happiness and goou

Teeling all round if we applied the scientific attitude to all our affairs. Properiy

using sclence and cultivating the scientific spirit man can control his destn


Precis: Science has revolutionized transport and communications. it

has given us control over nature, lessened distance increased our knowieage

of the universe and discovered wonderful medicines for curing diseases. it Can

deal with these human affairs.

Example 14

The pres, as a whole, and in this technical and restricted sense, is thus

pretty free in peaceful Britain. There is no shade of political opinion that does

not somehow contrive of express itself. But if we go on to imagine that any

particular organ of the Press enjoys the larger liberty of being a förum of public

opinion, we are gravely mistaken. Every newspaper is shackled to its own set

of overlords and, in its turn, like the Unmerciful Servant, exercises a powerful

bondage upon its readers and on the public generally. Indeed, we may say that

the heaviest restriction upon the freedom of public opinion is not the official

censorship of the Press, but the unofficial censorship by a Press which exists

not so much to express opinion as to manufacture it.


Precis: A press can continue to express itself freely if it has no shade of

political opinion. But every newspaper is shackled to its own set of over. Due

to this it exercise a powerful bondage upon its readers and on the public


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