Television is one of the greatest inventions of the twentieth centurv

powerful medium ofmass communication. Television can educate our ilit

and ignorant masses. It can promote national integration and internatie


Television in India made its beginning in September, 1959. Then its chiae

aim was to use it as ameans ofeducation. The first programmes presented onthe

television were meant for schools and rural areas. The first general service on

regular basis started from Delhi in August, 1965. In April, 1976, the televisin

was given its independent identity as Doordarshan. In Novemeber, 1982, when

the Ninth Asian Games were held in New Delhi, Doordarshan started telecasting

Some programmes in colour.

India is an agricultural country. Our television should prepare programmes

forthe education ofill-informed farmers. The television can educate the farmers

about the latest technical devices ofagriculture. It us ifgreat importance for our

country which is a land of many cultures and religions. This television can

promote national integration. India's population is rising very fast. Ignorant

people should be shown the importance of a small family.

Television can be ofgreat use in educating students at schools and colleges

Good programmes on television can easily make up for a bad teacher. The

general standard of the programmes telecast today is gradually improving. The

number of TV centres is increasing fast. The television is growing popular day

by day in our country and it has a bit future.

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