Write an application to the Principle requesting him to issue your character certificate or couege leaving certificate.

Write an application to the Principle requesting him to issue your  character certificate or couege leaving certificate.


The Principal,

Nalanda College,

Bihar Sharif


Most humbly and respectfully I bet to say that I have been a student of

your college for two years. T have just passed my I. Sc. examination as a regular

student from your college. I have secured 80% marks. Now I am not in a

position to continue my studies. My father is the only earning member of my

family. But he has been ill for last six months. Therefore. I have to support my

whole family. For this I am looking for a job. I have to apply for the post of a

clerk in the Northern Railway. Thave been one of the ten best Studcnts oT your

college. I have been the Captain of the college football team. Besides, 1 have

always taken part in social and cultural activities of the college

Therefore, I request you to issue me a Character certificate/Colleg


lege leaving

Certificate for submission of my application

Thanking you,

                                                                                                                  Yours faithfully,

                                                                                                                  Vimal Kumar

                                                                                                                 Roll No.11

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