Precis : We cannot escape from sufferings and sorrows in life. Our

world looks as the man looks at it. It is good and comfortable to those who

existence is really complex. There are both comedy and tragedy in life. But the

look at its bright side while to pessimists it is sad and sullen. The judicious

approach of life is only to welcome it as it is without questioning it. We have

only to enjoy the essential real life

                                                   Example - 8

In a civilised life there is a rule against violence. Against taking the law

into our own hands: it is a rule which most of us observe - so many, Indeed.

that a great number of people go through life accepting orderlines and non

violence as part of the scheme of Nature. But when some individual comes

into their midst who refuse to observe the current rules and follows the simple

role that might is right, the law abiding citizens of society do not know what do

to and look on in helpless bewildered confusion.

The last two wars did something to alter men's attitude towards the rules

of life, but much less than might have been expected. Men went into the fighting

line, not, because as our generals love to say, "Man is a fighting animal", but

because there were law abiding citizens obediently doing what the state told

them to do. It was the duty of the soldier to commit violence and murder upon

his country's enemies but he did these things under the order and the doing of

them bardly impaired his normal law-abidingness. Considering the fact that

for many years half the grown up men in Europe were engaged in trying to

murder one another one can only be astonished that the postwar increase in

crimes of violence has not been vastly greater. That is proof of how deeply the

habit of playing according to the rules has become ingrained in us.

gates of universities, legislatures, government services etc. have been thrown

open to all castes and communities, exploitation of the weaker sections of the

people has been considerably reduced.

But there has been no change in the outoock of the people. Politicians and

administrators still behave like feadul lords; corruption, favouritism and

nepotisnm have not shown any sign of abatement, faith in caste system and all

that it may stand for has not weakened. In one word, independence, democracy

etc. have not shattered the age-old beliefs and convictions. No wonder the

blind are leading the blind.

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