Precis: Acceptability of law is subject to conviction and conviction is not

pOssible as long as there are ignorance and superstition. In the modern

democracy, there is no conviction at all as the conditions for the same are not

met. Our society is still conservative. The government has made some pieces

ot legislation for the betterment of society, but society does not change tor tne

better. Still vested interests who are blind are leading the other unenligntene

peopie under democracy. Besides it can be said that nothing positive is possioe

if we want to do it with the consent or consensus of the present peopie

                                                       Example- 10

we have been asked whether we are happy to be living now or whether we

WIsh we had lived in the past, a few centuries ago. I am clear in my view and

must say emphatically that I am glad, very glad to be living in the modern age

There were pleasures in the past and there were adventures and many

other charms by which I am impressed, but there was also a great dea o

1gnorance and dullness and many other disadvantages on account of which

think life is happier today than it was in the past.

T am interested in education. Today all children receive free education

from the age of five or six until they are fifteen or sixteen. If they are clever,

they continue to receive education even while they are at the University. How

many children in the past learnt even to read and write? Very few, indeed. This

is a great advantage of the modern age.

T love travelling, for I find it a source of pleasure as well as education. It

brings new contact and experience which add to richness of life. Travelling is

much easier today than it was in the past and now we can even think of flying

to the moon. This was never possible in the past.

Then there are pleasures of music. Today thanks to the radio and the

television all of us can enjoy the best music in our homes. This pleasure was

not available in the past.

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