Precis: One is very glad to be living at present. No doubt there were
pleasant things in the past advantages and charms. One is impressed with
them. But in the past there were ignorance, dullness and many other
disadvantages too. On the other hand, today we have educational facilities. We
have universal and even free education today upto the age of sixteen right
from the age of five. One can cleverly enjoy free education even at the university
level. Besides, travelling facilities and the pleasures of music from radio and
television sets are also available to us. Thus life is happier today and our mod.
age is better than the ancient times.
When we survey our lives and endeavours, we soon observe that almo
the whole of our actions and desires is bound up with the existence of ott
human things. We notice that our whole nature resembles to that of the soce
animal. We eat food that others have produced, we wear clothes that othes
have made, we live in houses that others have built. The greater part of
knowledge and belief has been communicated to us by other people throuoh
the medium of language which others have created. Without language our mental
capacities would be poor indeed, comparable to those of higher animals; we
have therefore, to admit that we owe our principal advantage over the beasts to
the fact of living in human society. The individual if left alone from birth,
would remain, primitive and beast like in his thoughts and feelings to a degree
that we can hardly conceive. The individual is what he is and it is living in
community which directs material and spiritual existence from the cradle to
the grave.
A man's value to his community depends primarily on how far his feelings
thoughts and actions are directed towards promoting the good of his fellow
beings. We call him good or bad according to his attitude in this respect.
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