Preservation of environment is most essential for the existence of all living

being. We must take care to save the environment from all kinds of pollution.

There are several kinds of pollution -(1) Air pollution, (i) Water pollution,

(1ii) Soil or Land pollution and (iv) Noise pollution are mainly responsible in

making the environment polluted. The air we breathe in, the water we drink

and irrigate our land, the security of creatures, we share with, the fertility of

the land on which we grow our food are all detorioting, resulting in the increase

of serious health problems. Due to pollutions, with the rise in population, it

Is becoming more acute. Most of the rivers are polluted because of the polluted

water of the factories, and dirty water through the drains. Air we breathe in is

also polluted. The poisonous gas from the factories and the smoke of the vehicle

running on the road is bad for health. Noise pollution due to harsh sound of

loudspeaker and horns in the vehicle has also resulted in causing deafness and

mental diseases. Earth pollution is also polluting agricultural production.

Therefore, we must be very careful about it. We should keep our

surroundings clean and free from dirtyness. We should plant more tree to counter

the bad effect of increasing pollution. It is our duty also to protect our forests

and stop cutting trees, which will be helpful in preservation of environment

It is good for us that our government is taking all possible measures for

environment preservation.

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