Women empowerment means "power to act upon in every walk of women
life" Unfortunately in our country no such power or strength has been provided
to women. They are treated as house wires and to remain confined within the
boundary of their house and to look after only the house hold affairs. They
have to cook meals for the family members, to wash the cloths and take care
of the children. They have also to perform their duties to the elders and other
members of the family. In short, it may be said that they are being neglected
and are not given full liberty or opportunity. As such they are not given equal
status with male persons. As a result of that women are not given proper
education. Such discrimination has resulted in their backwardness and they do
not possess the capacity to serve the society and the nation.
Educated women can serve the country in various capacities. The
education of children depend mainly upon women. They can teach as well as
amuse. They can do research work in. art, literature philosphy and science.
Whenever there is flood, famine, earthquake or same other natural calamity
women can also render social service. They are capable of becoming doctor,
engineer, scientist and to join military service proved it by their act in all these
fields. The defence of the country is most important and women should be
given such burden equally with men and they have proven it by their heroic
acts, with guns and rifles and to become drivers and pilots defending borders
of our country.
It is pleasing that our government has actively taken up the task of women
empowerment equally to men,
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