Sports are an important means of recreation. "AH work andno play makes

Jack a dull boy." is a well-known proverb. After their studies during the day,

students require some rest and recreation'in the evening, otherpersons also want

to participate in sports after finishing their days work. Sports are most suitable

for them to refresh and regain their lost energy andalso for their good health.

The physical activity is most useful fordigestion iwhich may be maintained

through games and'sports. It refreshes the mind, improves digestion, fills the

lungs with pure air (oxygen) and make the people more active and healthy.

There are certain other advantages, as weel.Goodsportsman are popular in

SOciety and are able to earn name and fame and are respected wherever they go,

meeting new people and seeing new sights.

It is, therefore, clear that games and sports have a great value in life, but it

should be played in the spirit of the game and nobility of games and sports

should not be lost.

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