Dowry is really a social evil. It is also an inhuman system in the Indian

OCiety. The parents of a girl, have to pay, heavy amounts in the form of cash and

arious items of luxary, demanded and they have to be paid even if the bride's

Parents have to borrow the amounts and sell their houses and other assets.

Even ifthe huge dowry has been paid according to the demands, statisfying

Other party, there is no guarantee that the daughter will enjoy a happy and

Ortable life in the home ofher-in-laws. That is why in recent times there has

been an increase in the number of cases of wife-beating and wife-burning, Al

remain helpless spectators to these wicked games of untold torture to the youno

innocent bride and her parents.

Urgent steps must be taken to put down crimes and violence against sufferino

woman. Healthy public opinion must be created and stern steps must be taken by

the government. This cruel and inhuman systemmust be eradicated hence forth.

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