Precis: Science has revolutionized transport and communications. it
has given us control over nature, lessened distance increased our knowieage
of the universe and discovered wonderful medicines for curing diseases. it Can
deal with these human affairs.
Example 14
The pres, as a whole, and in this technical and restricted sense, is thus
pretty free in peaceful Britain. There is no shade of political opinion that does
not somehow contrive of express itself. But if we go on to imagine that any
particular organ of the Press enjoys the larger liberty of being a förum of public
opinion, we are gravely mistaken. Every newspaper is shackled to its own set
of overlords and, in its turn, like the Unmerciful Servant, exercises a powerful
bondage upon its readers and on the public generally. Indeed, we may say that
the heaviest restriction upon the freedom of public opinion is not the official
censorship of the Press, but the unofficial censorship by a Press which exists
not so much to express opinion as to manufacture it.
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