Precis Nations get support and power from their sense of belongingness
to a celebrated race. They should be endowed with a rich past having the gloroUs
history ot trials, sufferings and sacrifices of the men of old. They a
strengthened when they pass the ordeal or trials. Living for liberty, the fee
of patriousm and the bravely borne trials and sufferings have contributeu
the life of nations and history bears a testimony to this.
Example- 13
Science has affected our life in innumerable ways. It has revohas also
transport and communications and thus made the world smaller. It has ai
made the world a better place to live in. We have well lighted cities with BO
sanitation. Science has provided all kinds of substances and machines a
sources ot power. There is almost no end to the benefits that science
conterred on us. AIl the sanme, the work of science is no unmixed blessinB
has created new problems. Scientific industry is recklessly exploiting ae
materials on the earth. Science has rendered life in cities less heann
Overerowding in cities, the air pollution largely because of smoke, cheap o
deficient in vitamins-these are all dangerous to health. Again, people n o
cities are denied sunlight, fresh air and exercise. Science has to attena
these problems.
SClence has also to take up problem of social life itself. It has to wO
for freedom from war and various social and economic evils. Science can dca
With these human affairs. There would be fewer follies, happiness and goou
Teeling all round if we applied the scientific attitude to all our affairs. Properiy
using sclence and cultivating the scientific spirit man can control his destny
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