Summarise the prose Ideas that Have Helped Mankind.
Or, Write the summary of Ideas that Have Helped Mankind.
Ans.The ideas that have helped mankind are those that contribute to
knowledge and technique, and those that are concerned with moral and politics.
I will treat first-those that have to do with knowledge and technique. The most
important and difficult steps were taken before the down of history. At what
stage language began is not known, but we may be pretty certain that it began
very gradually. Without it, it would have been very difficult to hard on from
generation to generation the inventions and discoveries that were gradually
Another great step, which may have either before or after the beginning of
language, was the utilization of fire. I suppose that at first fire was chiefly used to
keep away wild beasts while our ancestors slept, but the warmth must have been
found agreeable. Presumbly on same occsion a child got scolded for throwing
the meat into the fire, but when it was taken out it was found to be much better,
and so the long history of cookery began.
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