The voice of my education said to me He must be killed

 The voice of my education said to me

He must be killed

Explanation : The poet 'D. H. Lawrence' of this extract of the poem.

Snake' was a poet, novelist, short story writer and essayist. The poet, in this

stanza has given the description of a snake, who had come out from a hole in

one night to drink water, being thirsty near poets water trough of the house.

The snake was looking good, silent and peaceful. The poet felt sympathy and

love for the snake. He didnot kill him and let the black cobra snake to drink.

But, because it is privilent that snakes become poisonous and bite a human

being, he is bound to die. As such people kill the snake. Elderly persons instruct

their youngster to kill the snake as and when they happen to see it. In this

stanza, 'voice of my education' denotes the same meaning to kill, the snake

when it appears before you.

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